We all want to live life to the fullest – but so many of us are struggling...
To connect.
To succeed.
To understand.
To find joy.
I’m Maia Buterin, a passionate and curious coach here to help you simplify your life, enjoy it, and find peace and happiness right where you are. A life coach who has been there – and is now here to help change that for you.
The truth is that our life experiences, beginning in early childhood, program us to think and act a certain way. They teach us where our value lies and how to protect ourselves – instincts that can misfire and work against us as adults. For this reason, my approach is to focus on the deep inner work first – because it is truly the pathway to profound and lasting change.
My mission is to help you understand your patterns and ways of being, be with your emotions, and create profound shifts in your life, relationships and your children's lives.
Making the decision to ‘go deep’ and understand your limiting beliefs can feel scary – but I can promise you that the work itself will be the opposite. It will feel like a weight has been lifted and doors have been opened. You will see possibilities that you couldn’t see before and be ready and able to experience more authenticity, understanding, joy and connection.
My Story
My journey towards becoming a coach began at a point of unravelling in my own life. My marriage was ending, my mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, and I was doing my best to parent two young daughters through crippling fear and uncertainty.
During this time, I began to do deep personal work, which helped me understand the ways my childhood affected my subconscious beliefs and defence mechanisms. For the first time, I could see myself clearly and understand the masks I’d been wearing throughout my life. As I removed those masks, my fear, uncertainty and persistent feelings of guilt lifted – and my confidence, self-love and ability to cope increased dramatically.
Because of the work I did, I was able to feel and handle my feelings and trust that I would be ok. I know myself better than I ever have and truly love who I am. It also made me a better, more loving and present parent for my daughters.
My experience led me to become curious about how I could help others go deep, increase their awareness and create change in their lives as I had – so much so that I decided to become a coach. Through Life, Actually, I support my clients through the process of ‘going deep’ by using the tools and practices that resonated most with me on my own journey.
My style is warm, direct, non-judgemental and empowering, and my goal is for every client to feel safe, seen and supported. There is no doubt in my mind that this is the work I am meant to do. Being the guide for others as they untangle, embrace and start to really live energizes and excites me like nothing else I have ever done. If you’re ready to uncover your subconscious beliefs, patterns and defences and step fully into who you are, I would be honoured to help you do it.